Hi! I'm Christine
I'm a designer of graphics, information, user experience, and user interface.
Most good design often only does one thing: it's useful, or it's beautiful. If it's solved the problem at hand, good design got the job done. I choose to take it a step further. I believe that design doesn't have to be one or the other: useful OR beautiful, efficient OR aethetically pleasing. I believe in and. In multi-faceted, thoughtful, great design. Good design gets the job done; great design gets the job done, and then some.

I currently work at IMDb's Creative Studio as a UX Designer. I've worked on multiple ad campaigns for movies, television, streaming services, and technology. I create custom ads that live on IMDb.com, and also work to create better internal processes.

For examples of my work, please email me at christinelawton@verizon.net.